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Students & Parents:

Conduct Process

For cases resolved via the Conduct Process, the Office of Academic Integrity is responsible for much of the investigation and resolution process. Students can always contact the Office of Academic Integrity to voice specific questions or concerns.

Investigation & Resolution Procedures

  • The case manager sends a written charge via WVU email to the accused student.
  • The student must meet - in person or via telephone or web-based conference - with the case manager and, if appropriate, the authorized reporter. In this meeting, the student may respond to the charge(s) and/or present evidence.
  • If the student does not respond to two attempts to meet, the case manager will hold them responsible. This finding is based solely on the evidence provided by the authorized reporter and/or discovered during the investigation.
  • If the case manager holds the student not responsible, they notify the student that the case is closed with no disciplinary record.
  • If the case manager finds the student responsible, they take next steps following guidelines published in the relevant campus conduct policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

For cases resolved via the Conduct Process, your assigned case manager will determine the outcome. However, they may consult with other parties (e.g., your instructor) when deciding whether to hold you responsible or what sanctions to assign.

Yes. If you fail to attend two scheduled meetings, you may have a hold placed on your account that will impact your ability to register, graduate, or request a transcript. Alternatively, you may be held responsible for the alleged misconduct based solely on the evidence available through investigation.

In the Conduct Process, you may be represented by an attorney. Alternatively, you may be accompanied or advised by a person of your choice from the University. More information on the role of either an attorney or advisor is available in the West Virginia University Campus Student Code.

If your case manager holds you responsible for academic misconduct, you could be expelled from WVU. However, this is rare and reserved for the most egregious violations.

This is based on a philosophy of progressive sanctioning and the belief that the sanction should fit the violation. To decide what sanctions are appropriate, your case manager will use a rubric to help objectively organize information about you and your case. As a result, in most cases managed through this process, the most serious sanction is either probation or deferred suspension. Both of these sanctions are explained in more depth in the WVU Policy on Student Academic Integrity.

If you believe that the sanction is too harsh - or if you believe you should not have been held responsible - you have the right to appeal.